王雷,中国科学院-国家纳米科学中心博士,山东省高校青创团队负责人,副教授,硕士生导师,青岛市物理学会理事。担任Chip、PNSMI、《量子电子学报》、ChemPhysMater等SCI或国产优秀期刊的青编委。主持国家自然科学基金、山东省自然科学基金、山东省青创团队等项目。参与国家重点研发计划、973计划、中科院先导等重大课题。 研究兴趣包括超快激光微纳制造及光子学应用、光与物质相互作用的理论计算、光子芯片等。近年来在Nano Lett., Nano Res., Opt. Express等期刊发表SCI论文20余篇,授权发明专利10余项,申请PCT-美国专利1项。研究成果被美国光学学会、Phys.org、Kudos、AIE等组织机构报道。
二、代表性论文 2023年 · L. Wang, et al., Anomalous refinement and uniformization of grains in metallic thin films, Nano Research, 2023, 16,12: 13358−13365. · L. Wang*, et al., Macroscopic laser pulling based on Knudsen force in rarefied gas, Optics Express, 2023, 31: 2665-2674. (Editor’s choice, Optica News). · S. Wang, L. Wang*, et al., Massive laser pulling of graphene nanosheets in water, Optics Express, 2023. 9, 31: 34057-34063. 2022年 · Q. Zhang; L. Wang*, et al., Nanosecond pulsed laser induced efficient photophoresis actuating of graphene spong, Vacuum, 2022, 204: 111388. · L. Wang*, The effect of substrate vibration on Ag nanoparticle formation on SiO2 via thermally-induced dewetting: A molecular dynamics study, Thin Solid Films, 2023, 767, 139674. (AIE News: https://advanceseng.com/substrate-vibration-accelerates-film-dewetting/). · L. Wang*, Dewetting of ultrathin Ag film with random vacancy defects on a SiO2 substrate: a molecular dynamics simulation, RSC Advances, 2022, 12: 26406-26410. 2021年 · L. Wang, et al., Internal nanocavity based high-resolution and stable structural colours fabricated by laser printing, Opt. Express, 2021, 25, 7428-7434. · L. Wang*, et al., Mechanism research of the laser propulsion of bulk graphene sponge material through high vacuum experiment, Vacuum, 2021, 191. · L. Wang*, et al., Biologically-Inspired Water-Swelling-Driven Fabrication of Centimeter-Level Metallic Nanogaps, Micromachines, 2021, 12, 735. 2020年 · L. Wang*, et al., Quantitative measurement and mechanism analysis of the high-efficiency laser propulsion of a graphene sponge, Optics Express, 2020, 28(23): 33869-33875. · L. Wang*, et al., Laser drilling sub-10 nm holes on an island-shaped indium thin film, Applied Surface Science, 2020,527: 146771. · L. Wang, et al., Preparing ripening-suppressed metallic nanoparticles using a laser irradiated carbon nanotube sacrificial layer, Applied Surface Science, 2020, 506: 144705. 2018-2019年 · L. Wang, et al., Carbon nanotube bridges fabricated by laser comb, Nanoscale, 2019, 11: 9851. · X. Chi, L. Wang (Co-first author), et al., Experimental evidence of negative thermal expansion in a composite nanocable of single-walled carbon nanotubes and amorphous carbon along the axial direction, The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 2018, 122: 26707−26712.
三、主持的科研项目 国家自然科学基金青年项目,30万,2024-2026 山东省高校青创计划项目,200万,2022-2024 山东省自然科学基金青年项目,15万,2022-2024 青岛科技大学科研项目,20万,2019-2025